What a STUPENDOUS Sam and Veva Harmon Reunion!!! Think we had FIVE or SIX reunions packed into ONE!!! Angie and Shelly and their families are to be CONGRATULATED!!
Certainly our Steeles sure took it all in, ALL the scrumptious food to begin with.....and THEN there was the water balloon slinging (in every direction), the hoop sticks, volleyball, baseball, and frizbee, fairy hunt (Angie has a true, new believer!), crafts, guesstimating, card games (who won the dominoes game?), missionary letters, memorabilia..... and mustn't forget that BYU football game (Yes! Can you believe it! Mark snuck off to their opening home game-they won 45 to 17!)
(BACK to the REUNION) and then, of course we ESPECIALLY enjoyed catching up with our aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and siblings, along with the biggest surprise of all: having Sam and Veva Harmon, Charles Frederick and Clara Daw, and Alan Ithamar and Emma Louisa Henderson Harmon come visit!! What a REAL(istic) experience that was to SEE them!!! Oh we love them and we love all of you -- all that could come and all the many that weren't able to be there!
So: GOD BE WITH ALL OF YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN --- only two years!! (We know how fast that goes!) Harmons, we need to keep our yellow shirts close at hand!
Love to you ALL!
Wow...what a strong family resembleness has been passed down...top photo-girl on right looks like Penny! Glad you had fun!
Sue! I hadn't seen that! You're so right!
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